Snag It? Let’s not be catty about this!


Ok…another fancy smancy assignment…I am soooo blogging this!

So yeah, my Prof. has me doing another Techno-licious class assignment.  He says, “Create a “how-to” instructional visual guide in this program called, SNAGIT, and Get the Educational Discount of only $30.00 ($28.95) a month. Then upload it into this other “new” website called SCREENCAST.” 

So, once again I am opening up three more social media accounts and exposing more about me. This time I will show the world HOW I TEACH SOMEONE the easy way to photo shop any given Google image and also inserting one of their own personal photo’s so that they can utilize it in a story or class assignment like mine. meow!

Is this legal? Should I tell the world how to Google an image, import it onto their PC desktop, then alter it using a simple Accessory called PAINT which everyone has access to? Apparently so…

Well, it turned out that after much trial and error, this is a software application that just might prove to be quite useful in my future as an Educator. I can think of countless ways to use this type of visual guide for my Students, Parents, Colleagues and even my very own college bound son.

Thanks Prof. T.

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